would the A/C option be possible with this, or is that another vote?
We do have all the window units, maybe we can just have the lounge be a “cool” room.
This vote budget would be for the following high priority items that we need to get operational ASAP:
High Priority (must happen now):
Electrical Panels W and Z mains connection
HVAC Ductwork bill (already installed)
dust collection and fume extraction blowers and ducting
sinks (kitchen and wash sinks)
Next year (and following) we will need to put up separate votes for:
Lower Priority:
Air conditioning
Doors on spaces
It’s worth noting that in our projections of the finances we did when we voted for doing the larger space, we accounted for a total of $25k for build, but only put the $15k up for vote. We had hoped to get in for $15k, but knew at the time this extra $10k may be needed.