Small Starter Resin Printer Vote

Could you please post link to some information about the actual product this vote is for? Google search of “Prism 3d Resin Printer” doesn’t immediately show me any results that seem to be what you are proposing we get.

Some responses to your last two emails:

Ventilation: We should not print ABS in the fablab without ventilation extracting fumes. ABS printing should only be done in spaces with ventilation that can provide 6 air changes/hour. PLA is significantly safer and does not require such ventilation. as for other activities at Hive13, paint, varnishes, and cleaning chemicals should really only be used in the metal room with the vent fan on. Yes, we are frequently bad about this and it isn’t always practical, but that doesn’t make it ok.

Something like this exhaust fan system with some PVC piping to outside would provide satisfactory localized exhaust venting for the 3D printing area to print with ABS and methacrylic resins.

HDPE containers: I wasn’t saying for storage of resin, I was saying for the IPA rinse baths and contaminated IPA storage. you would need two of something like these for part cleaning and one of these for storage of the IPA that has become saturated with waste resin. We would also need a Hydrometer for testing when the IPA baths needed to be replenished. We would need to start with at least a few gallons of IPA for part cleaning. The funnel would need to be an HDPE lab funnel, dollar store cheapo plastic is a no-go.

The workbench would need to have HDPE containment trays as a safeguard against resin and IPA spills. Two of these would work well.

The UV light, while useful for post-curing parts, is more a tool for cleaning up spills. the quickest way to make the resin non-hazardous is to cure it. A light like this would need to be available to cure resin that has been spilled and cleaned up with rags to ensure it does not transfer contaminate other areas of the hive.

Adding all those necessary items to my amazon cart totals $475.69, meaning this vote would need to be for roughly double what you have put it up for.

Given those facts, I really do not see why we would risk that expense for a very cheap printer with no market track record of reliability or print quality.

The reason the printer vote was set to the date it was so that the info on the printer can go live and more info can be posted. If you read the vote email it states that.

The thing is you say that about abs, there has never been a discussion about that. We been printing ABS on and off since we got the 3d printers with not word 1 about it. I find it funny that you keep bringing up exhaust system as a reason not to get this, but then you wont respond to the post made about ventilation… really how worried are we if noone will participate in that? So I am gonna just call this a red herring and move on. If you are worried about ventilation, lets talk about ventilation in its own thread because we need it for other things we do in the hive as well.

and HDPE containers and that much alcohol for cleaning parts? not sure where you are coming up with that size, first the IPA can be reused, I used a tall tupperware container and a sonic cleaner with the same alcohol for multiple cleans. the sonic cleaner is just to make life easier. Oh and them trays… again walmart specials, you can use the same trays used for under a bowl of dog water, or even a for the size of this printer a metal baking tray works, so not sure why you want some specific expensive brand.

also for cleaning up spills, IPA and paper towels. But for a post curing light, you posted one thats at least twice as expensive as other ones on amazon. But again its not necessary

Really Kevin, stop making things up that arent needed. that much IPA, not a chance, i have two resin printers and I am not even at 2 gallons of IPA since i got the first one at the beginning of the year. Special Trays… this isnt needed and what you posted, is overkill for a catch tray anyways (yea something to catch spilled resin. and a hydrometer? not sure what thats about, but not needed. and yea a dollar store funnel works, i been using one based off the recommendation by someone who worked for monoprice and now made the Prism 3d. a UV light which I would argue while good, not necessary… about the only thing really needed: exhaust… that needs to be done with or without the printer, but noone wants to talk about it except to say no to this… that shows me its not that important beyond an excuse.

I'll have a selection of sample parts printed on a Form 3 SLA printer in a variety of resin types for those who don't know the benefits of SLA over FDM printers like the ultimaker.

The form 3 prints will have finer surface finish than the printer this vote is for because form 3 is a single point laser system vs a LCD masked LED system like I suspect this vote is for, but both are still way better prints than FDM

Kevin, you are correct the printer thats up for vote is and LCD masked LED system. I am working on a set of masters for some molds that I will be doing at the hive. These are being printed from the Beta version of the printer I recommended for this vote. I will bring them down when I have them ready to cast.

Being a new member I don’t think it’s my place to provide guidance (and I don’t know if this has been mentioned) but I do know there there is more maintenance involved with a resin printer as they can’t simply be left to sit like an FDM Printer (ambient UV light will harden the resin). With that said, I would be happy to help maintain it if the Hive decided to purchase one. I regularly pay to send files out to be printed for the high quality/detailed parts that I can’t get on the two FDM printers at home so I would definitely use this. I’m not familiar enough with the inner working of the Hive yet and do not know what needs to be repaired ($$), replaced ($$), or what is a needed or beneficial Item for the Hive so I would probably abstain from voting rather than vote for something I want over what the Hive needs.

I’ll have access to a Form 3 at work later this summer. Any time it’s not in use for work projects, I’ll be able to print stuff myself. If people want resin prints and don’t mind throwing me some money to cover the resin usage I should be able to print things for people.

I vote no. For the following reasons listed by Kevin above:

  1. The printer proposed does not have sufficient consumer base to have confidence in it’s quality, reliability, and ease of use.
  2. Now may not be the right time for this purchase. Waiting a year or two and saving up/preparing for a higher quality printer with greater capabilities may be the better approach. We have several open large purchases/projects right now that need to be closed out before committing resources to a project/purchase like this, as the space would need to be prepared, Wiki information would need to to be developed, certification requirements developed, and classes set up for certification
    I would much prefer the hive buy a Form3 next year as the large purchase it makes. This gives us plenty of time to hash out the pros and cons as well as make any requisite modifications to the space prior to purchase. Buying one half-baked seems like a waste of money.


No… you can not use a simple blower fan like that!!! The IPA gasses will ignite in a fan like that. You must use explosion proof fans in order to exhaust IPA safely.

And as for a printer, I’d highly recommend using a name brand machine, like a Form Labs Form2 or 3. Ventilation is not necessary with them in general… but it is for IPA.

As for post curing, a simply UV lamp in a box with aluminum foil will suffice for that… no need to waste 100s or 1000s of $ on them. Spend $20 and you’ll get just as good of a result.

Did that printer ever go up on Kickstarter? I searched and did not find it to look at.

Hey it looks like I had a bad date for the Kickstarter, I am gonna cancel this vote until more information is available.

Looks like Prusa just released their Resin printer, pretty small build volume but Prusa is an established company. Something to think about.