Moving the potluck chat to Discourse to try and coordinate what folks would like to bring in!
As of right now;
Kayla - pesto caprese pasta salad. Probably some other thing too, just not totally sure yet.
Hodapp - Bread or gravalax or a carrot salad or maybe some kind of beans/bean salad
Paul P - a chocolate dessert
Let’s talk food!
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Could we get some hamburgers and sausages on hive budget? I’d be happy to run a grill.
July 12, 2022, 3:19pm
Previous potlucks have had funds from the Hive budget.
See: VOTE: $500 for supplies (food and drink) for the annual meeting - #15 by Daniel_McNamara
Looks like the final total that year was ~$180
Looks like at that time we were around 90 members.
Would it be reasonable to just copy that and put up $500 vote? Honestly, I’m assuming we won’t use all $500 but figure that’s a nice round number?
Do we need a vote, or can we get this as a board approved social/outreach purchase? Is there time to pass a vote before the annual meeting?
Good point. I lost track of when it was even though I’ve been repeating it at meetings so often haha
Now that we’re all done pondering nominations and bylaw change/revisions, it’s time to ponder pot luck!!
Also - @Kmcleod has volunteered to man a grill and is looking for feedback on if you’d prefer a hamburger, sausage (likely a mett from LK at Findlay market) or veggie burger!
Yes, I think we can safely expect the board approving roughly $300 for the annual meeting expenses.
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Can someone post the date/time of the potluck in this thread?
It’s part of the Annual Meeting, which is Sat, July 23, 12pm – 4pm
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