VOTE: $500 for supplies (food and drink) for the annual meeting

This is a vote to spend up to $500 for supplies for the annual meeting.
Misc food and drinks.
It will still be a pot luck but we need to have general stuff to keep people happy.

I had a family emergency come up at the last minute, i will not make it tonight, I vote yes.

This vote went through, but I wanted to get suggestions on desired food/beverage options before I just went and bought a case of Flamin Hot Nacho Doritios and 3 cases of Corona.


I’m guessing a deli platter of meat & cheese would be one of the items. We could also grill out hamburgers/hot dogs.
Probably not even get close to the requested amount.

The annual meeting is also a Pot Luck, so please bring your favorite dish/snack/beverage!

Don’t forget to vote! You should have gotten the email from Ian and a confirmation email once you submit your initial vote (you can update it till the meeting time - I think 8:00pm is the time lock).

blow and hookers. who needs food?


At current prices I don’t think the party would be very long.

so what are the going rates, huh Brad?

More than $500. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We are gonna need receipts for that… and thats a receipt i really want to see now.

This is all a theoretical discussion about non-traditional party expenses that we have not (and will not) actually purchase.

Would love to return this thread to actual things we would purchase for the annual meeting . . . . .

I figured Brad.
How about some pie or cake? It’s not $500 but its pie… and pie is awesome.

Good call.
I love carrot cake and how about an apple pie. Maybe some ice cream?

Maybe some pasta dish and a veggie tray and fruit tray?

I was thinking a deli cheese tray a fruit tray, some kind of meat, some drinks and some dessert.

Hey guys.

I cleaned the Kernel compiler and lightly oiled the kettle (Could use a deep clean, I might do that this evening.) after I cooked a small bowl for myself and Aly Friday night. It’s not much, but maybe some more popcorn kernels? If not, I’ll supply my own for Tuesday.

What was our final spent budget for the annual meeting?

$179.08 was spent.