What are you working on currently? anything cool you made recently?

oh man, those brushes look rough! haha

It’s not terribly cool or impressive but I made these from curb score pallets and screws salvaged from the rotting apart deck I’m tearing out. 100% used/reused materials.

Now I just need to split a bunch of wood and fill em up before winter. We have a wood burner that takes care of 90% of the heat for the house if I have enough wood to feed it…



wow that heat sink looks amazing!! Well done!!

Oooh, guitar porn!

When I started at the Hive in February I started working on a project to CNC route a Stratocaster body but it quickly became an exercise in CAD software humiliation. When I came to my senses and realized that I had a spare Strat lying around waiting to be renovated I quit trying to make one. When it becomes chilly outside I am going to declare a month of no home improvement projects and get back to doing whimsical stuff like increasing my already ludicrous guitar collection.