VOTE: $300 Parts for the belt sanders in the woodshop

The new sander that @Renée brought in is a very nice model (about $1100). It is missing the disc sander table. The disc sander part should not be used until we get the parts. The smaller sander next to it is also missing some parts, including the disc sander table.
I created a list of what they need. Looks like around $250, let’s do $300 for shipping and misc.
Shopfox sander parts - Google Sheets are the links to the two sanders parts lists.
Parts for 4" x 36" Horizontal/Vertical Belt Sander with 6" Disc - Grizzly Industrial
Parts for 6" x 48" Belt/12" Disc Combo Sander - Grizzly Industrial

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I vote yes

With 31 (wow!) yesses, 0 abstains, and 0 nos, this vote passes.