This vote is for two additional Carlisle CC torches, to match the one we currently have at the middle torch station. Having all three torches be the same will make classes significantly simpler, since all equipment will be the same. They are larger torches than we currently have on the other two stations, so it will allow us to host more interesting classes on topics like marble making, cup making, pipe making, murrini making, etc.
This vote also includes a couple items that I have been making available on loan to the hive, but would like to withdraw from loan (regulators and flashbacks). One of the new torches would also replace the Nortel Midrange Plus torch that my friend Nate Freeland has been graciously allowing us to use for the last year so that I can return it to him.
The full budget can be found here. The total comes to $4250 (including a buffer for taxes and shipping).
I look forward to teaching some more exciting classes at the hive when this vote passes!
Kevin McLeod
Hot Crafts Warden