Vinyl Roll Cart 1.0

I have placed the below imaged “Vinyl Roll Cart 1.0” into production. It should hold rolled goods up to 46" in length. Use it as you see fit, no warranties expressed or implied, etc. etc.

At Kevin’s suggestion (Thank you Kevin!) I adapted my similarly shaped Fabric Roll Cart into a somewhat smaller version for holding the vinyl rolls next to the vinyl cutter. I have provided a basic paint scheme which makes it “functional” and so it is “in service”.

There are those amongst us (probably you) that could take this to the “Hive Level” by painting it with an interesting scheme. I bought some yellow paint but in the end could only come up with designs that made it look like a construction zone.

In retrospect, I could have made it 2.5 inches wider so that it would hold 2 of the “skinny” 24" rolls per rod. The current length was limited by the availability of the rods and improper design specifications. Oh well - that’d be version 2.0 or a hack of 1.0 if I ever am so motivated.

James Hartley


looks great! thank you

That’s fantastic James! Thank you for building that for the hive!

James - that looks amazing!!! Also - that design is so smart. Thank you so so much!

Very Nice! Thank you!@