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I missed the meeting but want to help with the move. Will there be announcements for when help is needed?
We hope everyone is well and fairly sane. I missed the meeting too, but will update you on the current situation.
The Hive13 move is still going to happen,
but many things are on hold until the State of Ohio gives us the OK to leave home.
There has been progress with build out of the new 11,500 sqft space.
The building owner has done painting and floor cleaning. The space looks great.
Contractors are expected to start heating, electrical and some plumbing work the week of 4/20.
The Hive13 layouts and bills of materials are complete enough to send for quotes.
Material and Labor quotes from suppliers and contractors are moving very slowly.
As the State starts to reveal the opening of business plans we will be able to prepare a more realistic schedule for the build out and move.
Until then, keep participating in the virtual Hive13 meetings and watch the meeting list for more announcements.
Stay healthy out there.
Uninstall 2020, it has a virus.