The Bionic Tigers Robotics team is asking for Brainstorming help.

Hive13 has been supporting a Loveland High School FIRST Robotics team; The Bionic Tigers.
You may remember them from our open house. Kevin M and I’ve been their main contact, so far.

The team has asked for our help in Design and Programming to improve their speed and performance.accuracy.
Specifically they are asking Hive13 members to come to the their work space at the high school.

Wednesday 12/19/18
From 7:00 pm to 9 pm

Loveland High School
1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, OH 45140

Go to the back of the school where someone will be waiting to guide you.

Thanks in advance for your interest and support.

You can see the details of the discussion by joining the Hive13 Slack workspace and the #Robotjox channel.

Please let us know if you plan on coming.

Here are their Match videos from Pennsylvania


I’m going to try to stop by.

John Clark