So you want to be an LLC?

So you want to be an LLC? * (* = Limited Liability Corporation)

This is to follow-up the summer discussion thread and to schedule a
presentation and round-table discussion on this popular topic at
HIVE13 on Tuesday, Sept. 27 immediately after the regular 7:30 pm
business meeting.

Jim and Craig will host the discussion, starting with a brief factual
presentation, then some real-world experience, and ending with some
general Q&A discussion. All interested lurkers, entrepreneur
wannabees, and experienced company owners are welcome to participate
and share their aspirations and experience in this lively exchange.

Here is your chance to learn from others and start taking steps
towards owning your own company.

Jim & Craig

If you want some help / input on the legal side of things, I am more than willing to help. Most entrepreneurs have a very rosy idea of business that glosses over the main reasons for having a corporation (LLC, S Corp, C Corp, etc.) instead of operating as a sole proprietor. Liability protection is one of the main motivating factors in me having a LLC. I have a decent amount of stuff from my attorney (somewhere?) and I can brush up on the pertinent details for most of what will be needed by folks.