Saturday Clean-Up and Game Night

It’s coming up this Saturday. Clean-up starts about 3 PM and the game night and potluck start around 6-7.

Feel free to come to one or both as your availability permits. Don’t hesitate to just show up to the game night. It looks like it’s going to be raining, so the cookout probably won’t happen.

I added it to the Hive Google calendar and put it on the Home Page.

Sorry. My wife is sick and I need to help with some things at home.

I can come down tomorrow to help install the miter saw if that isn’t done today.


No worries.
We unpacked it and did some test cuts, it seems to work great.


During this Saturday’s cleanup, the contents of the top two electronics racks were moved onto a temporarily erected pallet rack in the annex. This places those items at a more comfortable height for review and pruning prior to moving the electronics racks themselves into the annex.

Also, Dave and Greg worked on the front door. It closes more easily now.

  • Ry