Remote, online voting

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

Jon and I couldn’t make it to the annual meeting earlier this week, as I know several other members also were not available to attend.

I was just wondering when the remote voting survey was going to be sent out to those who couldn’t be there. I understand that everyone ran uncontested (CONGRATS :D) but per our bylaws we still have to do a remote voting opportunity for members not able to be in attendance. Also it is just kind and a respectful gesture to ensure everyone is included and given the same opportunity.



Feel free to submit any votes to me and I will add them to the tally.

Also, to anyone, if you do submit votes and do not use your paypal address, please include it so I can verify your membership status.

Great!! thanks for the fast response :slight_smile: Just so everyone knows, voting needs to be open for 7 days, so you all have a week to vote!

I vote for Roger Rabbit for CTO.
-Dave B.