Refrigerator donation - help unloading at the Hive around 6:90pm tonight?

FYI - Earlier this week I offered, leadership accepted, and I'm donating a newer refrigerator to upgrade the Hive.

It is short notice, but I'm leaving Louisville with it in a truck now. I'll be at the Hive around 6:00pm tonight.

Is anyone already planning to be at the Hive, or is anyone able to come in for about 15 minutes, to help me get it off the truck and into the space?

I've got DaveL's furniture hand truck and can mostly manage except for the truck floor to dock height miss-match.

Reply and or call my cell. I'll put out another post as I arrive.

Thanks, JimD 513.300.5164

im up in dayton… sorry

With assistance from Ralph and Kevin, the new refrigerator has been wrestled into place. We’ll want to keep an eye on the water line for the next few days to ensure there are no unexpected leaks.

  • Ry



Thanks for the donation.

Outstanding! Thanks for the donation and the effort to move and install it!

Let's have an open house and fill it up with leftovers! Just yesterday we threw away the guacamole from the Hive annual meeting. Technically it WAS within it's sell by date but .... Oof!