Open Nominations for roll of COO

Hello Hive13 Members,

The elected COO of Hive13, Brian Wingate, has graciously resigned his position in order to find a better life balance for himself and his new family.

Hive13’s bylaws state that a nomination period for a new Chief Operations Officer shall begin now and remain open for one week (until 11:59 PM, Sept 24th). On September 25th an email will be sent out to all members with a link you may use to vote. Voting will remain open until the Special Meeting of Members (coinciding with our regular Tuesday meeting) at 7:30 PM, October 13.

No previous experience is required for this role, just a love for Hive13 and the desire to continue making it a great and safe place to play. You will be provided with plenty of support and guidance. This is a volunteer position, and the expectations/workload are exactly what that implies, it can be just as much time and effort as you are willing to put in.

To view Hive13’s bylaws please the following link:

For more information about the responsibilities of Chief Operations Officer, please see the following link:

Dave Schwinn

I nominate John Clark for COO with his full and enthusiastic agreement.

Dave Velzy

I nominate John Clark for man of the year.

I triple endorse John Clark.

The open nominations period for the role of COO has close. One member, John Clark, was nominated, 2nd’d and 3rd’d

Even though there is only one nominee we will still conduct the vote according to our bylaws. Drew is currently sending out links to a voting site. Please take a moment to vote for John or officially abstain.

Dave Schwinn