New Business Motion on 2013-02-12, for HIVE13 to be the host organization for a Cincinnati Mini-Maker Faire on Oct. 12, 2013

To date, Dave Menninger, Chris Davis, and Jim Dallam from HIVE13 have had a series of communications with Jason Langdon and Carrie Farler of POSSIBLE to collaborate to organize a Cincinnati Mini-Maker Faire to be held in Washington Park on Saturday Oct. 12, 2013.

This new business motion is to authorize to proceed with the following actions to begin to organize for this event.

  • To take a vote of the membership for HIVE13 to be identified as the official host organization for the event

  • To form an event-specific steering committee consisting of Dave Menninger, Chris Davis, Jim Dallam, and others

  • Open an event-specific checking account at PNC bank as HIVE13 [501(c)3 status] with Jim Dallam and Chris Davis as authorized signers

  • Work with Jason to open and run a Kick-starter for seed donations to enable the event

  • Based on income into the account, disburse funds to execute the MAKE event license agreement

  • Based on income into the account, disburse funds to reserve the venue (Washington Park) for the day of the event (Oct. 12)

  • To contact other potential event sponsors and acquire additional sponsorship contributions

  • And other such actions as necessary to proceed with organizing and implementing the event

Respectfully submitted for consideration,

Jim Dallam

February 12, 2013

I can’t be present to vote in favor of this but I would gladly proxy vote / remote vote in favor.
-Dave B.

I’m equally unavailable and would vote the same

I set up a proposed meetup on TechLife Cincinnati. It needs one more person to rsvp ‘yes’ before it becomes a scheduled meetup.
What hours will this run during the day of the event?