Membership Fee Changes


Hive13 members are encouraged to attend next week’s meeting (11/23/2010). We will be voting on a proposal to change the prices for membership. The proposal is below.

If you are not currently member and you would join at any of these price levels, we would be very happy to hear from you too.

This is awesome. Come out on Tuesday, everyone!


Ok, everybody. Vote time. You can vote online or at Tuesdays meeting:


Iframe test below (may not work…should be same as link above…)

Oh I should also note that you need your account to vote on this. Sorry, member only vote. That said, if you are a member and you can’t vote let me know.


And for those that forgot how we decided official votes would work:

Votes of the Membership

When a quorum is present, all issues, except when otherwise specified in these bylaws, shall be decided by affirmative vote of more than 50% (one half) of the voting members present.


  1. Quorum for a vote of the membership shall require attendance of at least half (50%) of the existing membership on the day of the vote.
  2. For the purposes of calculating the quorum, properly submitted proxy statements by members shall count as attendance as well as votes submitted via authenticated online polls as described in the section: Remote Voting.

Remote Voting

A poll can be brought up online to handle collection of votes as long as the online voting system authenticates users as Hive members. Once the poll has been circulated via the mailing list there will be a period of no less than 7 days to vote on the topic. After the deadline the online poll is locked so no further votes are possible and the results are included with other voting methods described within the Bylaws to reach a quorum.

And now the translation:

  • At least 50% of the membership needs to participate in the vote. Of those, OVER 50% need to vote ‘yes’ on the issue for it to be approved. So, if you are lazy and do not bother voting, we could end up with in theory 26% of the membership voting on and approving an issue. SO VOTE.
  • You can vote in the following methods:
  1. Show up at the meeting next week and vote in person.
  2. Vote in the online poll posted by Craig. You can not vote twice, a vote in person supersedes a vote online (For example, if you vote one way online, and then change your mind and vote in person, the vote in person is the one we count, not the online one)- Interesting side-tidbit: According to our Bylaws, since this poll was posted this morning, you technically have until Wednesday morning of next week at the time the poll was posted to vote in the online poll, and then the results of the poll will be included with the results from the in person vote to determine our result.

Just to add: If this gets passed then I plan on getting the student ($13.37) membership.
