Make hive awesome.

Hey all,

I would be willing to coordinate some build-it-together weekends to tie up loose ends and unfinished projects.

First, this picture makes me sad. If we don’t start putting together useful work space, this area will become giant purgatory…

How about we make a nice work table for our new space? This was a popular area where people did everything from drawing to crafts to computering to ‎laying out projects… Good layout table on casters maybe?

Also, finishing the shapeoko and shapeoko cabinet & getting new sand blaster and electronics air piped…

Not all at once, of course. Sound good?‎


How about we post a picture of the “iron maiden” and put the actual metal sculpture on the dock.


hey Lorin,

When are you thinking? This weekend? If so, what time? I am happy to help any way I can, as long as I have enough advance notice. I’d love to add more organization and project area there. :slight_smile:

How about Sunday Morning? 10am-ish.

Let’s start with the shapeoko, and getting man-sized or larger junk out to the dock…


I’d love to be involved but we are going out of town for the weekend.
Feel free to put something on the Hive blog so it appears on our front webpage.

I’ll be there Sunday 10am if anyone wants to help get shapeoko and other things going…

Uggh. Flat tire. Will be there when I be there. Still making awesome! But maybe a little late…

I’m going to try and head that way shortly.

Russel, Tiffany and I made some headway on the shakepoko remounted the gantry with the spindle, put drive belt in place, and reran the spindle wires. The gantry will need aligned for squarness and guide roller tightness. It's out on table in the main room neatly if anyone wants to take a stab at it.



Shapeoko is more assembled and prusa I3 clone is leveled and printing.



On the Shapeoko, we need to double-check that we have the eccentric nuts in the right place for the v-rollers on the z-axis assembly.

Also, on that point, we are using eccentric nuts, not spacers. I think those have a tendency to loosen. Perhaps we should get some eccentric spacers instead, we could have longer button head fasteners going from the other side and then have lock nuts on the inside to keep the v-rollers from loosening. Right now, the eccentric nuts need to be on the outside of the frame because they need a portion that fits in the mounting hole of the frame.

With spacers (no threads) they bolted connection would look like this…

I can see if I can find some on-line if we are interested in doing that.



Sweet. Sorry I couldn’t make it – had to go for unexpected tire shopping.

The Ultimaker part has been ordered (TFM coupler to replace the PTFE coupler that’s gone kaput twice). Ultimaker’s testing says the new TFM version lasts 10x longer. Hope so. If not, I guess it’s ali-express e3d retro-fit time…

I’ll be in this week to continue the battle.