Last Call for Clamps

I’ve rough cut the lumber for the wood working bench down to size, and it’s now time to true it up on the jointer and planer. I’m going to try starting the glue-up on Saturday.

I’ve had a number of people say they were going to bring in pipe clamps, or stuff to build pipe clamps.

Please Bring Your Clamps in By Saturday.


I have at least 2 sections of pipe that are 24" long. Most pieces I have are shorter. I’ll try to see if I can cut another section to yank out but no promises. I’ll try to get it down by saturday.

Thanks, that’s real help Dave!

I think there is a piece of black piping down there in the metal room around 6ft long you could grab. I forget what diameter it is though.

The pip threading kit arrived last week. It should be in the hand tool shelving in a red case.

@ Dave B - BTW, what’s the diameter of your pipe?

@Tiffany - that’s helpful, and should enable us to save another $10 or so.

@Brad W - I saw that, but thank you for pointing it out again, and also for getting it.

I forget whether it’s 1/2" or 3/4" … something very standard.

Makes a difference. :slight_smile: I’m going to see if I can pick up the clamp bodies before Saturday.

I got the two sections of pipe that used to run from the ceiling of my basement up to the second floor loose. They’re too long for me to get out of the wall cavity without cutting them into smaller lengths. They are at least 8’ tall (because that’s as tall as I can reach) and I’m guessing their length to be closer to 14-16’

So… I have to cut the pipe into smaller sections in order to get it out of the wall. How long do you want your pieces?

Longer is better than shorter, but don’t kill yourself, we’re talking a couple of bucks.

You’re talking 30 seconds with a saw zall. They will be about 6’. Easy.

What I got… Pretty sure 3/4" pipe. 0.84" OD

2x6’ish are long two on far left in picture, for reference. I should be able to drop off tomorrow or Thursday unless someone wants to come get it.



Sweeet! I think those are 1/2", according to wikipedia, OD is 0.84" on 1/2 pipe, not sure why.

Anyway, that’s a huge help. Tomorrow or Thursday is plenty soon enough.