I'd like to volunteer for the Maker Faire

At last year's Maker Faire, I stumbled down a flight of stairs into a basement in search of the elusive "learn to solder" table. In the basement I found said table, and proceeded to convince my two teenage daughters to sit down and learn how to solder. Being teenage girls, this was not an easy task, but they did it anyway (probably just so I'd shut up). I already knew how to solder, but der blikkenlites, captivated me (BLIIINNNKYYYY) and I sat down. Four solder joints later I had my own blinky badge. After a short conversation with Shadoxx, I made my way out, and took a brochure. Eventually I joined the have, and I've completed a few small projects, but I haven't been a very active member. Being a single dad of 2 teen girls does not allow for much free/me time.
Now that both of my girls are in the youth program at the museum center, I finally have a few hours most Saturdays for free/me time. Which brings me to the point of this rambling .....
Saturday September 13, both of my girls will be working at the museum center, so I'll be free from 10 to 5 if there are any volunteer opportunities. (I'll even teach at the soldering table)

Yay! I haven’t started looking for volunteers yet, but I definitely need them!

I'll keep an eye out for the announcement.

I haven’t seen anything about volunteering yet from the maker faire list (maybe I’m not signed up properly on the right list), but I just noticed it’s just two weeks away!

I could certainly use some instructors at the learn to solder booth. Last year a bunch of you who were volunteering elsewhere came down to the dungeon near the end of the day and it was very helpful as I was pretty burnt out by the end. I suspect that this year our more prominent location will keep us busy most of the time.

It would be great if we could have three instructors at all times. I’ve made a google calendar to help track who can work when. At the moment I just have myself working the 14 hours. It I’d sure like to be able to add a few more names in there and maybe even get a chance to see the faire.


Take a look and see what times you can help out.

Last year the volunteer co-coordinator told me that she preferred that the hive manage volunteers for this booth from hive members. If you still want to get your volunteer shirts, I believe you can tell them “I’m scheduled to work the learn to solder both at such and such a time.”

Send me your email and I’ll add you to the calendar so you can fill in times you can teach, or else send me the times you would like to teach and I’ll add them. The shifts I have are just suggestions, any time you can help will be appreciated. If enough people pitch in, we can just have people swapping out seats regularly all weekend.

Jon has already volunteered for all day Saturday. Thanks Jon!

I’m just kidding Jon, I’ve already sent you the calendar invite, just add whatever time you like.

BTW, I told them to put the learn to solder table next to the hive table, and they said “we are way ahead of you, we combined them into a 20x30 area to split up as you see fit.” So I guess we can use 12 or 15 feet for teaching stations and people manning whatever we have can be drafted to teach, and vice versa.

Also, I have designed a Learn to Solder jig to hold the badge steady for the heavy handed true first time solderererer. I believe Bill has printed what I think is the final prototype for me, and I should have it at tonight's meeting. The plan was to print a handful to use at the LTS table this year.


I just hold it for them and say “now, I’m trusting you not to burn me, I can tell you are trustworthy”, but that is much nicer, and less nerve racking.


Also it's 3D printed! Tonight I printed what I'll deem the final prototype. the only change I want to make is to widen the two risers/pads a bit, but sizing,spacing, etc. is where I want it. My plan is to batch print a number of these and put them in the LTS box with the badges. How many do you think I should print? Five, ten, 4037?

Also, I'll be dropping my girls off for work at the museum at 10 and they leave at 5. So essentially I could work most of the day.

On a side note, I just realize that I use "also" a bit too much ......

I will definitely be volunteering on both days to set up stuff and man both learn to solder and the attached booth and anything else. I probably won’t be around as much on the second day since it is my birthday. Elly will also be volunteering.

It was requested at the meeting tonight that anyone who wants to volunteer please respond to this. We still need to plan out what we are doing with our booth.
So far we have:
display tesla coil
John 2pt0 apiary
Interactive art piece from Katie Heinrich
We will probably have the tv showing a video like last time

Anything else?

Thanks to all who volunteer!

I will be gone to my cousin’s wedding on the 13th but I might be able to help on the 14th. Regardless of my presence, you can use my truck for transporting the power tool drag racing stuff. It has company insurance on it so anyone can drive it. Jim and Shadoxx have both driven it before.

I should be available to help out with where ever I am needed! I can drive, haul boxes, set-up and such; haven’t read this whole post, but I’m available!

If baby bell-horwath has not arrived I will be there! If we are not in the delivery room, I’m planning on mostly spending time demoing my quadropod robot at the Hive13 table. I can also help at the learn-to-solder table when needed.


Slight correction in my availability. I will be available from approximately 10 to 4 Saturday.