Hive13 Propaganda Photography

As Shadoxx mentioned at this week’s meeting, we need to get these taken yesterday, and so we need any parts of the space we want shown off in tiny little hexagons (which will subsequently be blown up and hung on a wall…) cleaned up or staged. Reality doesn’t matter as long as it just looks photogenic for the instant you take the picture.

Also, I was able to squidge around the text more on the hex-fold puzzle brochure to make more space available for visible image spots, so at least 4 usable images would be great!

I’ll put up a WIP tomorrow to show where the extra space will be, barring any radical copy edits.


Have you all finished up the photography portion? I’ve got a spare camera (a65) and wouldn’t mind creating some colors, shapes, textures, and bokeh for hive use. When are you shooting? I’d love to stop by…

Joseph - thanks for the work here. I should have some pictures for consideration up on Flickr soon. Perhaps I’ll make a group/collection that other people can add to as well, and put some older pictures there too (sumobot, sparks flying, things burning…).

Addison - I shot a variety of pictures yesterday trying to show off the space as a whole, and not really focusing less on ambient or atmospheric shots - but we could certainly use some. I’m not sure if I’ll be back soon to shoot more pictures myself, but we’d welcome any pictures you can provide.


Some images I shot yesterday are here:

Full copies should be present for download if needed.

Those are very nice pics Hodapp!

Awesome! Stole the one of me on the mill for my Facebook.

I’ve contacted the printer Jon suggested and he’s willing to proof one or two brochures so we can see what we’re getting. Looks like a run of 1000 is going to cost ~$288. Once I have more info I’ll let you guys know. In the mean time, all I’m waiting on in the final copy of the brochure so I can send it out!

Here’s the trifolds with Hodapp’s shot of the shop.

So I think I just sent Joseph two private messages on accident, so sorry about that. But! I’ve sent these off to the printer and as soon as I have the drafts I will let everyone know!