Hive13 Lock Forensics

Hello all,

Just had another fun night at Hive13 Lock Forensics workshop. We didn’t have a whole lot planned but Brian showed up with a new set of donated bump keys for people to play with. Then he mentioned how cool it would be to take the useful part of the pinning mat ( bottom left, and just make a small plexiglass version that would be more portable. So we brought up inkscape and a few minutes later had one cut out on the laser cutter. This is two pieces of plexiglass fused together (top and bottom) so you can move the pins around.

After we did our test version we decided it would be really cool to do a Hive13 logo on the back that you can see through when dropping the pins in. Then we thought it would be even more excellent if we had a Lock Forensic class and included pinning trays for anybody who signs up. So that is our plan. No date is schedule yet for the class but in the mean time I would like to develop a logo for the Hive13 Lock Forensics group. This will be something we will etch into the bottom of the trays.

Here s a pic of the tray:


Please send me or the list any logo designs. Please use only black in the design so we can use that to engrave the image. I would prefer not to have to raster so if the logo can be mainly lines and no solid black areas that would be best. You can submit one with solid and one that is just an outline for the tray if you like. Vector is the preferred method but we can make a vector version if need be.

There is no set deadline, but the sooner we get a logo the sooner we can make a bunch of these.



Just a thought logo wise. I’m not sure how well it will fit on the board but, it may be a starting point.


hive lock pick logo.svg

Very nice! Also, thanks for including the SVG so we can edit it easily. That is very helpful. :smiley:



Oh and in the spirit collaboration. If anybody wants to edit this SVG or work with somebody else on a design I will do my best to make sure everybody who helped on the winning design gets a free custom pinning tray.

