Hive13 and Ward Signs

Hey everyone,

I have been working on signs for Hive13 and each Ward, trying to get them up for the open house.

However, my wife has been in the hospital all week and I am afraid I won't be able to get them done.

For the four that have been cut out already, the plan was to sand them smooth (two of the signs with A's also need the hole in the A sanded flush), then coat them in two layers of epoxy (that I have at home, will bring in) then paint them like our logo on the website.

If anyone would be willing to help keep these moving forward I would really appreciate the help, as I'm afraid I won't have them done in time for the open house.



I got in today long enough to sand 2 of the signs, the other two still need sanding.

I am hoping to be at Hive13 Tuesday before the meeting, anyone interested in helping with the epoxy then?

The back side of the signs have been coated with epoxy. Earlier today the yellow in the sign was identified as pantone 108C. Thanks slackers.

Dear “Mr. I’m Retired”,

You’re welcome.

Sorry, we have jobs.


Slackers R Us


Actually, slackers refers to the gang on the Hive Slack channel who replied to my request for assist.
Sign up for slack and be a slacker too.


I thought you were calling all of us slackers. As in “you slackers need to work harder”.

We need to agree on these new definitions. Welcome to the new world.

All snarkyness retracted. My apologies.


Dave/Kevin -

I can put evening shifts in on the signs. Is there anything to be done tonight, or are we in a quiet period while epoxy cures?

  • Ry

Epoxy Cures? Was it sick?

Just the applicator.