Hive borrowing policy

I just wanted to do a quick review of the policy for borrowing stuff from the Hive.

In general there is no problem borrowing something for a short time for personal use.
As a courtesy please post on this mailing list with what you borrowed and when it will be back.

"This is Brad,

I’m going to borrow the Porter Cable belt sander for a weekend to work on some railings at home. Should have it back by Monday, let me know if it is needed before then.



You should provide for any consumables (sandpaper, etc.) and if it breaks, please let us know so we can get it fixed. If you leave it on your porch and it gets stolen, you get to purchase another one for the Hive.

This does not cover fragile/expensive items (3D printers) or items that would cripple the Hive (all the drill bits). Use your head.
