Hive 13 Light Emitting Weekend - 4PM to 11PM June 27 and 28

Hive13 Light Emitting Weekend - 4PM to 11PM June 27 and 28.

In preparation for the impending July 3rd Contemporary Arts Center event, a few of us will be at Hive13 from 4PM to 11PM this Friday and Saturday assembling projects for display. Hive13 Members with a partially finished project or an idea for a lighted project that might fit with the theme of the show are welcome and encouraged to attend this impromptu workshop. I will provide any assistance I can.

The Ryan/Shadoxx/Ian cooking show will also be underway, and dinner will be served. Just let us know if you're coming so we have a reasonable idea of how much food to prepare.

If I were still in the Cincinnati area, I might actually pay to eat at that show, if it’s anything like the Thanksgiving show! Good luck on your project for the weekend!