FBI/SS internet traffic checklist from NB


A couple of people said they would be interested in having a copy of the checklist that NB keeps by the door in case the SS/FBI drops around annoyed about our internet traffic.

It's pretty rudimentary, but due to the nature of our space we have a lot of people who might be near the door in our space who aren't really clueful and it isn't uncommon for there to be no members/individuals with time in the community in the space at any given time.



Who are the technical contacts? As in, what qualifications does one need to fit this role?

Who are the technical contacts? As in, what qualifications does one need to fit this role?

I have no real idea. I think they are NoiseTOR peeps, which as best I understand it requires a three step process. First there is the secret sub-basement training facility at MIT where initiates must spend 1 year without light and aren't allowed out until they can come up with a new discovery in prime number theory. Next they are taken to a monastery in Tibet and meditate in the snow, covered only in a wet sheet until they can actually see packets flowing through the air and route them with nothing but the power of their mind. And finally they have to spend a week solid drinking from opening till closing at the Sycamore bar without losing their ability to type code at 80+ wpm.

But I could be wrong. However, Andy Issacson, who is one of the technical contacts in question and I believe was involved in writing the original document is cc'ed on this and might actually be able to clear up any minor discrepancies in my description.
