Fablab Warden Hours


This will be a simple placeholder to post whenever I have my fAbLaB W4rD3n HouR5.

I’ll be available to help with anything Fablab related (laser certification, 3d printing basics, releasing the magic blue smoke from cheap electronics, and/or coming up with additional projects that i/we/you/hive will never get to working on)



Kicking off my last “hours” of 2019 - Today (December 11th) from 5pm to 7pm. Come say Hi… or don’t.

"This will be a simple placeholder to post whenever I have my fAbLaB W4rD3n HouR5. "

I really like this idea, and am going to appropriate it for Metal Shop Warden Hours.


Fablab Warden hours, this Saturday 1000-1200.

I’ll be hosting a laser certification at 1000 to kick if off!

Stick around and help make the hive a better place (1200-1600 for cleanup!)

Warden meeting is at 1000. I plan on being at the hive way before 10 and will resume hours after the meeting. For those who want laser cert, we’ll have to hold off until ~1030

f4BlaB Ho0urS tonight. 6-8. 1800-2000. Laser cert ~6:45ish.


ps- msg me on slack if you want cold little sleezies (caesars)

Warden hours from 7-9 tomorrow. I think this will overlap with the moving meeting… take a break and come hang :wink:

We can talk about lasers, electronics, or whatever your heart desires.

Late reminder: come on down for some socially distant fablab warden hours. 6 to 8.

That time of the week/month/time of the time to come on down for FabLab WARDEN HoUrs. 6-8 tomorrow (9/24).

Come on down.

Get certified on the laser ~6pm! We’ll be practicing social distancing to the best that we can.

I will be down tomorrow night but I may be a little later than 6.

John Clark