Hi there! We had our first tiny meeting/brainstorm session on the Strategic Plan for the HIVE at large, and our eventual expansion into the Dungeon. Please see below for the unedited notes from that discussion. Please feel free to reply with questions and commentary, etc. for our next meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for 2 pm, December 3.
John C., Dave V., Dave S., Ryan A., Brad, Kostas, Kate
How do we want to define a “strategic plan”?
- Vision for the HIVE at large
- Classes (singles and series), education, activities, workshops
- We should pay our instructors
- How? Grant money, admission cost
- Website development/updating (Tendency)
- Power Tool drag racing
- Building relationships with other orgs
- Urban Manufacturing Alliance / Cincinnati Maker’s Council (Dave V has a follow up on 11/30)
- “Learn to solder” at schools, etc
- Employee for infrastructure support
- How do we make more members comfortable / empowered to make
- Vision for expansion into the dungeon
Let’s split into large-scale goals with a range of priorities.
= rent
= landlord to finish promised improvements (paint, clean up, bathroom, panel)
- Dungeon “habitable” first
- Purge the crap
- Shelves to move
- Short term: nicer member storage
- Medium / long term:
- Photography
- Lounge
- Kids space
- Tool library
- Recording studio / video / streaming
- infrastructure/server room
- Classroom space
- Additional meeting space