December Cookie Party and Secret Santa

Instead of a Tuesday talk on December 13th, we are going to have a cookie party and Secret Santa gift exchange!

If you want to bring cookies, please reply with what kind you plan on bringing. Please bring either a copy of the recipe to share or allergy information on the day of the party.

If you want to participate in the Secret Santa gift exchange, please sign up and fill out your profile on elfster by November 22nd, link below. The spending suggestion is $20, handmade items are welcome but not required and should be of good quality, use Etsy or similar for appropriate value. Please wrap, label, and have your gift to the hive for the meeting, dropping it off ahead of time if you are unable to be at the meeting in person.

You don’t need to participate in either event to come eat cookies and hang out! Let me know if you have questions and hope to see you there!


It is my intent to join in the cookie fun & I’ve signed up for the exchange! Recipe TBD.

Reminder that the sign-ups for the gift exchange close on Tuesday!

I plan on making my gingerbread molasses cookies for the cookie party; I may have to have Kayla bring them in as I have some work travel on the horizon.

I’m planning to bring either Pfeffernüsse or gingersnaps.

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John and I will be there, but I’m sorry I can’t bake any cookies.
(happy Thanksgiving!)

Nate and I will be there tonight (and my youngest kid, Tommy as a guest). We are bringing chocolate oatmeal cookies.