Confirm the HIVE13 phone number and 501(C)3 tax number for donation form?


We trust one and all have been having a great Christmas holiday.

In our spare time this past week we made another donation to
"GOODWILL" and thought to use their donation receipt as a template for
a similar ones to acknowledge folks' donations to HIVE13.

If someone could reply to confirm our phone number and 501(C)3 tax
number, I'll add that to the template I've been making and then
publish it for future use.

We can discuss this at the Tuesday night meeting.


The current number for the hackerspace is 513-593-9292, craig might have the 501C3 tax number.

I have our EIN number and once I get back in later tonight (seattle time) I’ll email it to you. You could also upload to the hive’s google docs and add me as a colaborator.


I’ll reply to Jim off-list…
