CNC certification list update

Hi All,
Trying to get the CNC certification list up to date. Please respond to this email if you have taken the class (date helpful) as well as if you have followed the class up with an already certified user watching you use the machine (or if you haven’t done so yet). When I get the responses I will get the list up to date and posted on the CNC computer and wiki. Also, I will try to get some open hours up soon so those members who have taken the class can get their usage in and done and be officially certified.
Thanks all!

Date Class Taken

Date Used Machine with a certified user monitoring you


Took the class and watched.

I took the class on 12/10/16
Did a “Project” to finish certification on 12/18/16.

I took the class - but haven’t been supervised on my own project.

Time is such a ubiquitous rarity.

I haven’t taken the class but I had coy show me how to use it over the summer and he watched me use it. I’ve used it for several projects since as well.

Matt Malarik

class taken 12/10