Cincy makerfair!

Is moving back to the Cincy Museum Center at Union Terminal!

It was announced at the end of Maker Faire today that the Maker Faire is going to be moving back to its original location at the Union Terminal Museum Center!


Sweet :slight_smile: I do think it’s a better location (not least because of the availability of AC)

Thanks to everyone who helped out at this year’s Mini Maker Faire!
I think the only people that got burned were the instructors. (myself included) :flushed:


Hot solder is hot.

Having two tables was nice to show off some stuff.


I think we need to make a batch of generic Hive13 business cards and maybe some more flyers.

All the people I worked with enjoyed the Learn to Solder activities, and the 3D printed table was still interesting (although there were about 100 different 3D printers at the Faire).


The next event is the Books by the Banks on October 20th. I’ll inventory the LTS supplies, I think we still have enough to do ~250 boards.

I had a person from Sands Montessori ask about us coming back for their STEM night, I’ll wait to get some more info.

I was thinking if we could create a mini drag racing setup using the PTDR as a foundation but have little slot cars to run down the track.
Could be pretty simple and very portable.

We can have a review at the meeting Tuesday night.

Thanks again,


I have a 3rd grader at Sands. I’ll try to touch base and get more details.




That’s a no in the propane flame effects :wink:

Starbuck!!!# good to see you!! :slight_smile: :smiley:
