call for instructors for classes


Thanks for posting the training on the website.
I think it might be nice to say that once you take the class you would be certified on the mill and the lathe.

Is there way to check on the attendance so I know how many end mills to order?


Brad “not a machinist” Walsh


Where do you get your end mills from?
I will probably need to order some for the CNC router class.


John “John2pt0” Sikorski

I lurk around Amazon. They have some surprising deals sometimes. I found a 3/8 solid carbide 2 flute endmill for $8 (bought 3 for the class).
I tried camelcamelcamel but it seems they are offline. Sometimes the description changes so there is some value in just scanning Amazon.

I’m putting together DIY professional quality DIY microphone classes for my students at UC. I’d like to include Hive and community.

1st one is a very linear electret with same capsule as earthworks’ first models. Accurate enough to be a test mic.

2nd is a medium-large diaphragm condenser mic. Same capsule as a lot of interesting boutique mics popular for guitar recording.

There will be a cost ($25-$40), as I order capsules and transformers direct from manufacturers (only way to do so). I also have a ribbon mic design that’s quite nice, but I’d rather team up with Brad for that, as it involves some careful machining (I’m fine teaching that too, but it would be fun to team up).

So what are people interested in? I’ll need to anticipate when I make capsule orders in the next few days.


safety glasses, yes for sure. ear plugs - we can get more if needed.

I think a mic would be a great idea. That or we need to figure out how to turn off the fans, it’s really hard to hear across the room.


Thanks for the info.



I told Tiffany I would be glad to help with the class, as I am anxious to get to know the Hive CNC router myself. I have some experience from a few semesters at DAAP’s Rapid Prototyping Lab. No worries if not, I will certainly be at the class on 11/12.

Interest is always welcome!

I’m not a member but I would be willing to do a RPi or arduino class if you’re interested.


A couple of people asked for a link to my Miniatures Painting class to add to the wiki. Here’s a link:

Or you can tell me where to stick it. :wink:

Sounds cool, I’d love to learn more about Arduino, and you don’t have to be a member to give a talk.

I just wanted go take a moment and thank Brad for coming in today and teaching us on the Mill and the Lathe.

I can't wait to put this information to use and make something!


Glad you got something out of it.

I think another class on just cutting threads on the lathe would be useful.

Just let me get a bit better at it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

