Books by the Banks volunteers

Maker-fair season is not quite over! Books by the Banks is next Saturday at the Duke Energy Convention Center. This event is mostly a chance to meet authors and buy books, but they will also have a makerspace room, which Hive13 will be sharing with the library makerspace people.

Right now it’s just myself and Ellie as confirmed volunteers. We would like to bring learn-to-solder, recycled cup planters, and a display of Hive13 stuff… but we could use some help to do all this. Please respond if you can help!

Day: Saturday 10/17

Location: Duke Energy Convention Center,


11AM-12: Leave Hive13, setup

12-4PM: event

4-5PM: pack up, return



I missed the meeting last night due to catching flu from my adorable 1-year-old disease vector…did we get any more volunteers for books by the banks?

Here’s where we are on stuff to bring:

  • We can do the standard display table with 3D printed stuff, John’s apiary, my robot, pamphlets, etc

  • We have the green light to do learn-to-solder, but I don’t think it makes sense with just 2 volunteers.

  • The library people are getting a bunch of plastic cups and stuff for DIY planters (like the ones by the Hive13 sink). I will bring instructions and a few already put together. This should only require a little bit of supervision on our part.

  • I’d like to bring some kind of interactive build-it-yourself, such as those laser cut shapes Elly and John made for past events. There’s also

  • If anyone has a project or activity they want to show off, we can probably still include it.

Anyway…I’d like to tell Books by the Banks what we are bringing ASAP, but I want to know if we can muster more than 2 volunteers before I answer. This is a busy event and will probably have several 100 people coming by our area.


I will help out with where ever it is needed most.


Thanks Jon!!