Appointment of John Clark as Acting COO

Hello members,

The nomination period for Hive COO has ended. We had one nominee, John Clark.

Hive13’s bylaws afford leadership the right to appoint an Acting COO to fill the role until the voting is complete. We are now appointing John Clark as Acting COO.

The vote will still be conducted according to our bylaws. Please take a moment to either vote for John Clark or officially abstain. It’s important that our elections reflect the will of our members.

I’m very excited about John’s appointment. John’s contribution to Hive13, especially during the move was critical to the move’s success. He is extraordinarily dedicated to the space and especially to the community. John has voluntarily attended all of the leadership meetings in the last several months and his input and feedback has been very helpful.

Please join me in congratulating John on his appointment.

Dave Schwinn