Another reception and about...

Hey HIV 13,
I just looked at a calendar and realized today is the 28th …and I indeed missed your meeting yesterday.
What I was hoping to discuss is a project for the new two story gallery my partners and I opened in Northside on the 17th of July.

As our first exhibition season is being finalized, we’ve been entertaining the idea of having local groups display projects in our space so I thought of you all. To note: One of the goals of The Northside House is to provide the city with a venue that intermixes fine arts with other creative avenues such as architecture, science, film and fashion.

Below is a copy of our current press release to give you an idea of what we are up to. I hope to catch you all at your next (public) meeting …and also hope we can work together in the future. Regardless, please feel more than welcome to attend our next reception being held Friday, August 13th from 7p-10p. And if you know of any other fine art patrons and/or appreciators, please feel free to spread the word. If nothing else, the catering is worth a trip out. :wink:

Thanks for your time,