Annual Meeting and Elections 2024

On July 20, 2024, we will be holding the Hive13 Annual Meeting.

What is the annual meeting?

The Hive13 annual meeting is a time in which we celebrate another year of incredible making at the Hive. Typically, the annual meeting consists of two distinct parts: election results and the potluck.


Hive13’s elections are conducted electronically. If you are a full time member, ballots are being sent out via e-mail on July 13, 2024. The Election Committee, made up of volunteer non-conflicted members, is responsible for tallying the votes and delivering the election results as the first part of the annual meeting. Per current bylaws, we must reach a quorum of at least 50% of members voting which is 125 at this time for election results to be finalized. If we have hit quorum by the annual meeting, we will verify results and announce them at the meeting. If we have not hit quorum, the vote will stay open until we do so don’t forget to vote!

We are currently accepting nomination candidates. The window for nominations will close on July 13, 2024. The current leadership positions up for election:

  • 5 positions on the Board of Directors

  • 5 Elected Officers:

  • President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Chief Technical Officer

  • Chief Operations Officer

Think you or someone you know would make a great Hive13 leader? Nominate yourself or them (with their permission) in this thread!


After the election results, the rest of the annual meeting consists of a potluck, but we are also considering catering from a local business like Mazunte as this is our 15th Anniversary. Members are encouraged to bring anything that they’d like, whether it be homemade or store bought. A separate Discourse and Slack thread will be created for a headcount of who’s bringing what.


Annual meeting date: Saturday July 20th, 2024 at 3pm

Ballots being sent to e-mails on: July 13, 2024

We hope you join us in the celebration—and don’t forget to vote!


Kate Cook,

President, Hive13

***edit-Chief Membership Officer is also up for nomination