Annual election

Hi everyone,

Last week we announced that the annual board and officer elections will be occurring during the last meeting of July.

The following positions are open:
CFO (haha)

5 board positions.

You must announce that you are running at least a week before the election (unless no one is running for a position, then you can run up to the actual election).

I will run for COO again. If we dont get five for board i will also run for that again, but i will reserve that until the election.

Anyone else can either announce on here or at one of the Tuesday meetings.

If you have any questions either look in the bylaws or just ask!


I will run for Board. I will probably not be in town for the last meeting of July, however.


I’ll put my name in for CFO again and for a position on the board.


I nominate Elly for Secretary! :slight_smile:


I’d like to nominate myself for a position on the board.


I nominate the following people

President - Mike
Secretary - Elly
Coo - Ryan
Board member - Tiffany


I’d like to nominate myself for a position on the board.


Since Tiffany and I are expected our first child (in september!) we are not going to run for official Hive positions this year.


OK my nomination stand as follows

Secretary - Elly
Coo - Ryan


Yes! I accept this nomination! Join with me hivers. Rise up, and vote to end Jon Neal’s tyrranical reign over the Hive13 broom closet!

Wait. Strike that. Wrong script.

Please disregard this unfortunate spoiler from a draft copy of next year’s summer blockbuster, Makin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo.

I intend to run for CTO this year.

  • Ry

I’d like the throw my hat in the ring for board member. If there were a Marketing position I’d run for that instead, but I can settle. :smiley:

I nominate Brandon aka Shaddoxx for secretary position

Good thing there’s no Shaddoxx at the Hive. ;]

Well, this is the chance to revise by-laws as well. A marketing position (minister of propoganda?) could be created.

General FYI: our By-laws are on GitHub, interested parties can check out the officer responsibility descriptions.


I will nominate and throw my name in for the board.

Don’t forget that tonight is the annual meeting where the election will be held!

If you would like to vote remotely please email me and I will send you a link to the anonymous surveymonkey form.


Vote remotely