Annual Election for Hive13 Leadership

Hello Hive!
Without further ado, and please accept our humble apologies for the delay (we wanted to make sure it was right!), but the 2024 ballot has been emailed to your address registered to the Hive. Please make sure to check spam folders, etc., for an email from “Hive Board of Elections.”

Voting is now open and will close at 18:00 EDT on Saturday, July 20th 2024 unless quorum is not yet met. A quorum of 50% of active members is required for the election to be effective. Current active membership count is 272, making the required quorum 136 votes. Every vote is important!
Please complete your ballot as soon as possible.
Your feedback is important to help inform priorities for the new leadership team. Your response to the questionnaire section is valued but not required. We’ve found personally it’s easy to get derailed thinking about good answers and not submit the ballot response until “later…” Go ahead and vote for the candidates on the ballot you think best suited to lead Hive13 to greater success in the next year, and then work on your feedback responses. You can come back and edit your submission for both the vote and questionnaire sections up until voting closes.