Android 101 Development Class

I will be hosting an Android 101 Development Class on December 16th at 7pm

This is the first class using the new payment method. For those who are unaware the costs of class is $20. $10 is an instructor fee and $10 goes to the hive (minus eventbrite fees) I’m limiting seating to 12 people for this class. If you need help getting eclipse running show up between 6-7pm and I will attempt to help you. At 7 class starts regardless.

More info on the blog:



There is limited seating for this class. As of this writing there are only 6 seats left!! If you plan on attending you should sign up soon! I’m very excited to give this class and I have already developed the two applications we will be making during the class. I think it will be a lot of fun. Class will start promptly at 7pm! I’ll send out more email to all the people signed up for the class as we get closer to the class date.

Also, if you don’t have an android device you can develop on the builtin emulator for the class. No biggie. It is best if your laptop already has Eclipse with the Android SDK installed. We will be building our app for version 1.6 API 4 (although you could technically do any version for this app). If you are having problems with your setup you can send me an email or show up at class before 7. I plan on arriving at the Hive at 6pm to help out and setup the classroom.

Look forward to seeing everyone there!


will you be offering the class again at a later time? the 16th is my
statistics final :frowning:

Sure, if there is high enough demand for the class I’ll host the class again. There is also a lot I wanted to cover but it just isn’t really possible in the 2 hours allotted for class, so I also plan on having a more advanced version later as well.
