VOTE: Revision to Vertical Storage Reservation Rules and Budget for Reservation "Kiosk"

Based on the feedback, and my experience trying to manage the vertical storage system at the old building, I propose the following:

  1. We build more vertical storage, and improve what we have

    1. Convert half of member storage shelves E and F to half height vertical storage w/ full plywood dividers and back (adds ~12 spaces) (8 sheets 11/32” plywood)

    2. Add full sheet plywood dividers between the vertical storage spaces that Brian built (13 sheets 11/32” plywood)

    3. Build the vertical long storage I had proposed previously (adds 12 spaces) (6 sheets 3/4” plywood)

  2. Implement an automated reservation system that tracks reservations, requests, renewals, and displays status of each space so that anyone can tell if a space is available or being squatted in.

  3. Adopt the following vertical storage reservation policy:

    1. Ne fees, vertical storage is a standard benefit of membership for all members except cornerstone members who choose to have a dedicated cornerstone corner storage space

    2. Vertical storage reservations are good for 3 months, after 3 months, they may be renewed month to month. There is no limit on how many times a member may renew a vertical storage space, so long as spaces of that type (Vertical sheet, vertical half sheet, and vertical long) are avaliable.

    3. If all spaces of a type are full, any member requesting one of those spaces is added to a first-come, first-serve waitlist. As soon as there is a waitlist, all current space holders receive an automated email informing them that there is a wait list, and asking them to please relinquish their space if they are done with it. The person who has had a space the longest receives a special message telling them that since they have had the space longest, if no one else gives up a space, they will be barred from renewing the space when their current term expires to allow the waitlist access to vertical storage.

    4. If the waitlist is active, if any member holding a space relinquishes the space, the next person on the waitlist immediately gets assigned the space and gets an automated message letting them know they have the space.

    5. If no space holder relinquishes a space before the longest-holder’s current reservation is up, at the end of that reservation period, the space is flagged as expired, at which time the previous holder has 1 week to clear their material from the space (automated email informing them of this). When the material is confirmed cleared, or the week is up, the space is assigned to the next waitlister. Any material left in the space at that time must be moved to purgatory with a parking ticket tag.

    6. Any member who is booted from a vertical storage space due to the waitlist and reservation expiry may immediately request to be added to the end of the waitlist.

    7. All reservations, requests, and renewals must be made in-person at the kiosk. For extenuating circumstances, leadership shall have the ability in intweb to manually extend reservations for up to 2 weeks in the event a member comes ill, or has unexpected travel needs, or similar situations. These special remote renewals must be made by emailing with an explanation of the justification for the exception.

    8. If a member has a large project that they will be using sheet goods for, but they know it will be quick (up to two weeks, but no longer) they may store the sheet goods for that project in the project parking area, with a parking permit tag.

  4. To support the proposed additional storage, improvements to storage, and the development of the reservation kiosk, I propose a budget of $1000 to implement these improvements ($200 for kiosk, $400 for 21 sheets of 11/32” plywood, and $400 for 6 sheets of 3/4” plywood).

Let’s keep the discussion of a possible space rental thing separate from the discussion of vertical storage. even if we end up doing that, we will still need s functioning vertical storage system/policy.



I’d love to get people’s feedback on this version. If there are no major stumbling points, I’ll Post it for vote so we can move forward.

This sounds pretty reasonable. I’m wondering what the likelihood of a waitlist developing with the additional storage available.


If this revision calms most of the (understandable) heartburn with the original proposal, I’ll put it up for vote tomorrow right after the meeting so that it can be discussed at tomorrow’s meeting for possible last minute revisions, then voted on the following week.

