VOTE: additional 3D printer for FabLab. $500

There are plenty of opportunities to participate in the Delta build. We still have some design nuances to work out. More CAD opportunities. Join our Fusion360 project group. The 3D parts to print are there.
Lorin worked out a couple of seriously cool tweeks to the stepper circuits that make the operation virtually silent. Add to that acoustic auto leveling and this design is state of the art.
It should also be physically strong enough to perform robotic pick and place.

Next up on my personal task list is the making of 18 or more Connecting Rods which require 36 delryn rod ends. These will be a lathe project.
Anyone wishing to become proficient on the lathe may want to jump in here.

I like the idea of 3D Thursday as a focal point.


Hey dave,
If you teach me how to make those ends i will be happy to crank them out, also i do have some experience on the lathe from past years

Joe Pomeroy

I am voting no on this issue. We already have a working printer, it’s about as easy to use as a 3D printer can get, and it’s not under contention. We also have other printers being built (the delta 3D) and sitting around needing fixed (Gigabot).

This is a waste of money in my opinion. Would I support money to fix the Gigabot? Yes, should it need it.

How do you join the fusion 360 project group? We have two 3d printers mostly unused right now as Mike’s rotation has him working 80-90hrs a week. if you get me the parts I can set our printer to churning out pieces - either abs or pla.


I’d also be willing to turn some parts for you if you give me a print and tell me where the material is.

As the owner of this vote I’d like to withdraw/kill/stop/cease this vote.
I think our/my energy is better spent getting the Delta and Gigabot going.
Feel free to continue this discussion in the other thread about the FabLab Capabilities.
I’ll probably start another discussion on the Gigabot (I think one already exists on the Delta).



Can we all celebrate a little bit?

We had vote proposed,
A discussion civil discussion with both support and dissension
Came to a conclusion that there may be a better option to try first.
Left the door open in case the other option doesn’t pan out.

In other words, we followed our process and the process worked exactly as it is supposed to.

Yay us for getting better!

Yes I think it worked just like it is supposed to.

Some of us could probably do a better job in the discussion to make it less adversarial, but that is part of public discussion. I don’t take this stuff personally, but I could imagine someone who hasn’t been through it before getting upset.
At least we stayed away from profanity. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: