By-Laws ammendments and addenda proposals 2018

Coy I completely agree. I still believe that Expulsion for anything more than non-payment should be decided by the group not by 5-10 people.

I have separated the suspension and expulsion into two different proposals, and changed the expulsion proposal to make the vote by both Officers and Directors.


Side note: Daniel, are you OK with adding an “s” to “Officer” in your first proposed amendment?

Greg, yes. I am ok with Grammatical changes to the proposal.

Hello all,

Just a reminder, the deadline to propose changes to the bylaws is 8pm today. We currently have five proposals:

  • Spelling/grammar corrections, proposed by Hive13 Leadership.

  • Changes to section 2.4, Termination of Membership, proposed by Hive13 Leadership.

  • Changes to section 2.5, Suspension of Membership, proposed by Hive13 Leadership.

  • Changes to section 2 (Wardens Addendum), Organization, proposed by Daniel McNamara.

  • Changes to section 4 (Wardens Addendum), Compensation, proposed by Daniel McNamara.

If you wish to propose any other changes and/or amendments please have them submitted by the deadline. This is so that we can have the requisite full week of voting and still announce the results during the Annual Meeting.

Thank you,

Ian Blais